Any form of Abuse is #Never OK.
For students
- Student Welfare Team For emotional and practical support, for personal issues impacting on your wellbeing and studies.
- Hall Wardens/Mentors If you are a student in University Halls you can ask to speak to your Warden or Hall Mentors. They are available weekday evenings and weekends if you wish to talk things through.
- Counselling & Wellbeing The University’s team of professional counsellors and mental health workers offers confidential emotional and wellbeing support.
- Disability Advisory Service The University’s dedicated disability advisors can provide advice, guidance and support to students on a range of practical adjustments to your work and studies.
- Chaplaincy Offering support and a safe place to talk for students of faith and non-faith.
- Reading Students' Union for impartial advice, support and information
- Exceptional Circumstances. If you feel your studies have been affected by what has happened.
For employees
- Harassment Peer Support Network is made up of employees of the University from any staff group who have volunteered their time to provide confidential support and information to colleagues who are experiencing unwanted behaviour, bullying or harassment. They are there to listen, talk through options available and, if appropriate, signpost to other sources of support and advice.
- Employee Health and Wellbeing These pages will offer information and resources to fully support employee wellbeing in day-to-day life.
- Employee Assistance Programme The University provides an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) is an independent, free, confidential support and counselling service which is run by CIC and is called Confidential Care.
External support
If you would prefer to seek help and support outside of the University, here are some contact details of relevant organisations.
For anyone
The Dash Charity: offers resources, a helpline, advocacy services and legal support for adults who have experienced domestic abuse. They also run refuge accommodation for women and children within Berkshire.
Bright Sky: is a free mobile app and website for anyone experiencing domestic abuse, or who is worried about someone else.
Victim support: provide services for victims and survivors of any abuse or crime. Support is offered regardless of whether it was reported to the police, and no matter how long ago it occurred.
For women
National Domestic Abuse Helpline: is a free confidential 24-hour helpline providing advice and support for women. This service is run by Refuge.
Women’s Aid: provides a free live chat service 7 days a week, 10:00-18:00. They also provide a resource to find support services across the UK.
Woman’s Trust: a specialist mental health charity for women who have experienced domestic abuse.
Muslim Women’s Network Helpline: specialist faith and culturally sensitive helpline offering information, support and guidance for those suffering from, or at risk of, abuse.
Jewish Women’s Aid: offers support to Jewish women and girls subjected to domestic abuse and sexual violence.
Karma Nirvana: is a service that anyone can call about forced marriage and honour crimes.
Ashiana: Supports Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and refugee women in England who have experienced domestic abuse, forced marriage and honour-based violence.
Roshini: Supports people from BAME communities who have experienced domestic abuse, honour-based violence, forced marriage, rape or sexual assault. Offers two 24-hour multilingual national helpline and support for domestic abuse victims.
For men
Men's Advice Line (Respect): offers confidential support and advice for men who have experienced or are experiencing domestic violence and abuse from within a relationship or by a family member.
Men’s aid: promote welfare for men, families and children who have experienced domestic abuse.
ManKind: offer a confidential helpline to males who have experienced or are experiencing domestic abuse or violence.
For LGBT+ Community
Galop: a national helpline for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people experiencing domestic abuse.
Bi Survivors: a network supporting and advocating for bi+ people who have experienced domestic or sexual violence and abuse.
Abuse support for people with a learning disability (SpLD)
Mencap: Information and advice for people with a learning disability, their families and carers. Services include an online community.
Respond: Services for people with a learning disability, autism or both, who have experienced abuse or trauma.
For adults abused in childhood
HAVOCA - Help for Adult Victims of Child Abuse - For adults who have experienced any type of childhood abuse. This service is run by survivors.
NAPAC - The National Association for People Abused in Childhood - Supports adult survivors of any form of childhood abuse.
One in Four: offers counselling, advocacy services and resources for those who have experienced trauma, domestic or sexual abuse in childhood.
For those who may feel they are harming someone else:
If you are worried you may be harming someone else, the Respect Helpline can provide you with support and information. Training and awareness
Many of the charities listed above are good ways to inform yourself and promote awareness around support services for abuse. You may also want to look at: